
Ayanori YOROZU

Assistant Professor

 Department of Computer Science

 Institute of Systems and Information Engineering

 University of Tsukuba


 College of Information Science
  School of Informatics
  University of Tsukuba


 Master's/Doctoral Program in Computer Science
   Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
  Graduate School of Science and Technology
  University of Tsukuba


 Intelligent Robot Laboratory, University of Tsukuba


Research Interests

 ➤ Intelligent robot for human-harmonious collaboration

 ➤ Task and motion planning

 ➤ Human and environmental sensing

 ➤ Agricultural robot



  • 2011, B.S. in Engineering from the Department of System Engineering, Keio University, Japan

  • 2013, M.S. in Engineering from the School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems, Keio University, Japan

  • 2016, Ph.D. in Engineering from the School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems, Keio University, Japan


  • 2013-2016, Reserach Fellow, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • 2016-2020, Research Assistant Professor at Keio Advanced Research Centers, Keio University

  • 2020-, Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba