Ayanori YOROZU
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
Institute of Systems and Information Engineering
➤College of Information Science
School of Informatics
University of Tsukuba
➤Master's/Doctoral Program in Computer Science
Degree Programs in Systems and Information Engineering
Graduate School of Science and Technology
University of Tsukuba
➤Intelligent Robot Laboratory, University of Tsukuba
Research Interests
➤ Intelligent robot for human-harmonious collaboration
➤ Task and motion planning
➤ Human and environmental sensing
➤ Agricultural robot
2011, B.S. in Engineering from the Department of System Engineering, Keio University, Japan
2013, M.S. in Engineering from the School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems, Keio University, Japan
2016, Ph.D. in Engineering from the School of Science for Open and Environmental Systems, Keio University, Japan
2013-2016, Reserach Fellow, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
2016-2020, Research Assistant Professor at Keio Advanced Research Centers, Keio University
2020-, Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems, University of Tsukuba