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A homepage of Hiroyuki Kudo (Hiroyuki Kudo)
Japanese Version/English Version
A homepage of a laboratory
Data of Tsukuba University researcher conspectus
NIH(National Institute of Health) Biosketch
Web Philosophy: Minimalism
- I won 2,006 High Lights of international magazine "Inverse Problems".
- I won article prize in 2006 of Japanese Association of Medical Imaging Technology.
- Position / a post:
Associate Professor Tsukuba University graduate school system
information engineering graduate course computer science specialty
- Place of employment address: Zip code: 305-8573, 1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi
- Place of employment phone number: 029-853-5516
- FAX: 029-853-5516
- An E-mail: kudo あっと cs どっと tsukuba どっと ac どっと jp
A brief career history
- I am born in Yamagata-shi, Yamagata in 1963
- March, 1990, Doctoral course of engineering (electrical and communication engineering), Tohoku University (A doctor of engineering)
- An assistant at April, 1990 Tokoku University department of engineering communication engineering course
- A lecturer at April, 1992 Tsukuba University electronic information engineering system
- Assistant Professor April, 1995 Tsukuba University electronic information engineering system
- From April, 1997 to February, 1998 Brussels free university studying abroad
- Assistant
Professor April, 2004 Tsukuba University graduate school system
information engineering graduate course computer science specialty
- Associate
Professor April, 2007 Tsukuba University graduate school system
information engineering graduate course computer science specialty
A research field(An image / picture processing and medical service imaging)
- Tip medical service imaging mainly on computer tomography (CT)
- Medical
support technology that the intellectual computer support diagnosis and
human body are visible of a medical service image
- The
intellectual image sensing technology that was aimed for distance
information and the acquisition of a picture of high quality
- Development of new image processing technique and the image recognition understanding and application to picture contents
- Elucidation of a reverse problem related to image processing / Computervision
- Image compression transmission technology and picture display technology of the next generation
A list of announcement articles
Receiving a prize
- Winning 1990 Niwa memory prize
- Winning 1990 Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers article prize
- Winning 1990 Japanese Association of Medical Imaging Technology encouragement prize
- Winning 1991 Japanese Association of Medical Imaging Technology article prize
- Winning
Noriko Miyagi (science and technology studies graduate course) 1996
Japanese Association of Medical Imaging Technology encouragement
prize(Receiving a prize of a laboratory student)
- Winning 2001 Japanese Association of Medical Imaging Technology article prize
- Winning
Meihua Li (an engineering graduate course) 2002 Japanese Association of
Medical Imaging Technology encouragement prize(Receiving a prize of a
laboratory student)
- Winning Yuri Mameuda (a system information engineering graduate course)
2005 Japanese Association of Medical Imaging Technology encouragement
prize(Receiving a prize of a laboratory student)
- Winning 2,006 High Lights of international magazine "Inverse Problems"
- Winning 2006 Japanese Association of Medical Imaging Technology article prize
Society activity
- Position society:
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
(the IEICE), Japanese Association of Medical Imaging Technology
- An Editorial Board member of Heisei 12-15 years international magazine "Physics in Medicine and Biology" (British Physical Society publication)
- A Japanese Association of Medical Imaging Technology magazine "Medical Imaging Technology" editing vice chairman
- A
Scientific Committee member of international conference "1,995
International Meeting on Fully 3-D Image Reconstruction in Radiology
and Nuclear Medicine"
- A
Scientific Committee member of international conference "1,997
International Meeting on Fully 3-D Image Reconstruction in Radiology
and Nuclear Medicine"
- A Program Committee member of international conference "2,000 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference"
- A Scientific Committee member of international conference "2,001 International Meeting on Fully 3-D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine"
- A Program Committee member of international conference "2,001 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference"
- Reviewer of international conference "2,002 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging"
- A Program Committee member of international conference "2,002 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference"
- A
Scientific Committee member of international conference "2,003
International Meeting on Fully 3-D Image Reconstruction in Radiology
and Nuclear Medicine"
- A Program Committee member of international conference "2,003 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference"
- Reviewer of international conference "2,004 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging"
- A Program Committee member of international conference "2,004 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference"
- Co-chair of international conference "2,005 International Meeting on Fully 3-D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine"(with Frederic Noo and Larry Zeng)
- A Program Committee member of international conference "2,005 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference"
- Guest
Editor of Special Issue "Volumetric Reconstruction of Medical Images"
(2006 publication) of international magazine IEEE Transactions on
Medical Imaging(with Frederic Noo and Larry Zeng)
- A Scientific Committee member of international conference "2,007 International Meeting on Fully 3-D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine"
- A Program Committee member of international conference "2,007 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference"
- 12-17 Heisei year Natl. Inst. of Radiological Sci. next generation PET development study groups
- From 2002 to 18 Natl. Inst. of Radiological Sci. four dimensions CT development study group
- 18-20
Heisei year Natl. Inst. of Radiological Sci. molecule imaging research
center study promotion committee tip bioinstrumentation study
subcommittee committee members
- 16-18
Heisei year scientific research costs specification domain study
"intellectual diagnosis support open call for participants group of
many dimensions medical service image"
Information such as charge lectures (2007)
An inquiry to this place: kudo あっと cs どっと tsukuba どっと ac どっと jp