University of Tsukuba | Grad. Scho. Syst. and Info. Eng. | Dept. Comp. Sci. | List of Courses
Office hours Office hour will be announced at the first class.
Cource# 01CH607, 02RB235
Area Intelligent System
Course style Lecture
Term SprC
Period Wed2,3
Room# 3B302
Keywords vision, perception, brain science, neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience
Prerequisites Elementary linear algebra, analysis, statistics and image processing.
relation degree program competence Knowledge Utilization Skills,International Skills,Research Skills,Expert Knowledge,Ethics
Outline The course is an introduction to the human vision, with specific interests on the computational mechanisms of the visual cortex. The course will cover elementary physiology and psychology, as well as computational algorithms. Home works will be given to facilitate understanding of the essence and reality of the computation.
Course plan Fundamentals of
  visual neuroscience (week 1&2),
  visual psychophysics (week 3&4),
  computational neuroscience (week 5&6).
Cortical representation of visual information (week 7&8).
Computational mechanisms of visual functions (week 9&10).

Homeworks on topics related to the lecture will be given four times during the semister, each of which may require two to three hours.
Textbook Important slides will be given in advance as an online handout.
References 1. T. Trappenberg, "Fundamentals of Computational Neuroscience", 2009, Oxford
2. A. Hyvrinen, et al., "Natural Image Statistics", Springer, 2009
3. S. E. Palmer "Vison Science" MIT press
4. Kandel, et al., "Principles of Neural Science" McGrawhill, 2014
5. L. M. Chalupa & J. S. Werner (Ed) "The Visual Neuroscience" MIT, 2004
6. R. Snowden, et al., "Basic Vision" Oxford,2006
7. D. Purves, et al., "Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience", Sinauer
8. J. M. Wolfe, et al, "Sensation and Perception", Sinauer
9. J. P. Frisby & J. V. Stone "Seeing: the computational approach to biological vision", MIT
10. . S. Werner & L. M. Chalupa "The new visual neuroscience", MIT, 2014
11. M. S. Gazzaniga "The Cognitive Neurosciences", MIT, 2009
12. 3D shape, Pizlo, MIT, 2008
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Evaluation Based on the quality of reports(80%) and discussion & active participation(20%) in the class.
Misc. The lecturer will introduce a number of topics unfamiliar for students with background of information science. The lecture is designed to provide opportunities that expose students to the world of cognitive neuroscience. Students are encouraged to take good notes during lecture, and research the introduced topics by oneself following the homework problems.