Title: Construction of a Type System for Layered Control Operators (in Japanese) Authors: Terunobu Suzuki and Yukiyoshi Kameyama Affiliation: Department of Computer Science, Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba Abstract: We construct a type system for control operators in functional programming languages. Specifically, we study the layered version of the control operators shift and reset whose semantics is defined in terms of (iterated) CPS translations. While shift and reset are capable of representing various control structures, we cannot have two or more different uses of shift and reset in a single program since they may interfere with each other. In order to avoid this interference, shift and reset should be layered, that is, we should assign to each occurrence of shift and reset a natural number which designates its level. Although it is apparent that a sound type system for layered shift and reset is necessary to introduce them to practical programming languages, no work has ever tried to construct a sufficiently expressive type system for them. In this paper we refine our previous work which solved this problem for the case of level-2, and propose a type system for an arbitrary level. We show that desirable properties such as type soundness hold for this type system, which enables one to introduce the layered shift and reset to statically typed programming languages.