電子メール Keisuke.Kameyama@cs.tsukuba.ac.jp
URL http://adapt.cs.tsukuba.ac.jp/moodle263/
オフィスアワー メールにて事前連絡乞う
科目番号 01CH609, 01CJ233
基礎/専門の別 専門科目
授業形態 講義
開講学期 春AB
時限 月2
教室 3B303
キーワード 信号処理,画像処理,パターン認識,適応,特徴抽出
Keyword Signal Processing, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Adaptation, Feature Extraction
前提条件 Basic knowledge on Linear Algebra, Analysis, Probability and Statistics of undergraduate level. Understanding of basic signal processing would be a plus.
学習目標 To understand the basic theory and recently-developed techniques of processing and recognition of media signals, especially images.
概要 Adaptive techniques in processing, recognition and retrieval of media information will be discussed. (Lecture in English).
授業計画 Weeks 1-2
Introduction and reviews on math used in this course.

Weeks 3-7
Theories and techniques for adaptation, recognition and retrieval.
  • Basic Pattern Recognition and the Bayes Rule
  • Linear Discrimination and Adaptive Filters
  • Neural Networks
  • Support Vector Machines
  • Clustering
  • Nearest Neighbor and Subspace Methods

  • Weeks 8-10
  • Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR)
  • Biometric Authentication
  • Classification of general object images
  • 教科書
  • C. Bishop, Neural networks for pattern recognition, Oxford Univ. Press 1995
  • Haykin, Neural networks - A comprehensive foundation - Prentice Hall 1998
  • F. M. Ham, I. Kostanic, Principles of neurocomputing for science and engineering, McGraw-Hill, 2001
  • C. Bishop, Pattern recognition and machine learning, Springer 2006 (邦訳あり)
  • 熊沢逸夫、学習とニューラルネットワーク、森北出版.
  • 成績評価 不定期に課する小課題と期末課題の報告を評価する.
    TF・TA なし
    その他の情報 英語で講義