Introduction to Computational Neuroscience for Engineers
ルトコフスキ ト マシュ マチェイ (Tomasz M. Rutkowski)
電子メール tomek@bci-lab.info
URL http://tomek.bci-lab.info/teaching/cn
オフィスアワー Flexible arrangements.
科目番号 01CH506
分野 共通科目
授業形態 講義
学期 春C
時限 水2,3
教室 3B302
授業概要 The lecture course will introduce neurotechnology applications connecting directly our brains with machines. Computational neuroscience is an approach to understanding the development and function of our brains. The lecture course will introduce the computational neuroscience basics and the brain-computer interface (BCI) solutions will serve as examples of neurotechnology applications. Basic level of computational engineering mathematics and understanding of the technical English will be necessary to follow the content of the course.
キーワード ブレインコンピュータインタフェース・ヒューマンコンピュータインタフ ェース
Keyword brain-computer interface; brain style computing; computational neuroscience; brain-style intelligent systems;
  1. Introduction to computational neuroscience, neurotechnology applications, Kalman filtering and neuronal models.
  2. Understanding and modeling of brain cortical dynamics.
  3. Invasive brain-machine interfaces (BMI) - good quality of brainwaves yet with possible medical complications.
  4. Non-invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCI) - lower brainwaves quality yet with fantastic and safe application possibilities.
  5. Assimilating brains, brain-to-brain interfaces, future challenges and the lecture series summary. 
教科書 http://tomek.bci-lab.info/teaching/cn
  1. Schiff SJ. Neural Control Engineering - The Emerging Intersection between Control Theory and Neuroscience. MIT Press; 2011. http://mitpress.mit.edu/books/neural-control-engineering
  2. Sornmo L, Laguna P. Bioelectrical Signal Processing in Cardiac and Neurological Applications. Elsevier Academic Press; 2005. http://granat.eit.lth.se/~elektrovetenskap/biosignal/
成績評価 Attendance and short quizzes after some lectures.